active Projects


Bible studies are the best tool we have to reach the adults in our villages. We gear messages toward teaching and understanding the scriptures, and then take it to the next step by showing how they can apply it to their everyday lives in Haitian society. Using our discipleship model, our staff meets with and trains two Leaders in each village weekly to then they lead Bible studies in their own villages.

widows ministry/ELDER CARE

The Bible says to care for those less fortunate. This certainly applies to widows and the elderly as many of their children or grand-children are struggling to feed their own families. A typical care package consists of rice, beans, cornmeal, flour, spaghetti, condensed milk, canned tomatoes, flavored spices, cooking oil, candles, matches, toothpaste, knit hats, fabric shopping bags, etc.


Our village outreach is driven by the needs we see in a village. This includes building outhouse style bathrooms to slow the spread of cholera, repairing roads to keep produce flowing from the mountainous areas to the city, or supplying water pumps for villages to get water to their crops & vegetation. 

youth EVENTS

Our Youth Events are the most "energy-driven" of our outreaches. Once the music cranks up, most every young person in hearing distance will come, but it isn't just about fun & games. There is always a gospel presentation and invitation to join us for bible studies and community service projects.

children outreach

Jesus told us to never stop the children from coming to Him. Since the first outreach in Haiti in February 2000, Kids Clubs have been the biggest part of our ministry. The staff at Acts 29 knows how to use puppets, games and competitions to reach the youngest souls in the villages.


We make sure to take time out of the business of trips or everyday life in Haiti, to just "be" with people. You would be surprised what a conversation in the front yard of a Haitian family can teach you. Plus for the Haitians of the mountains, they love having company. It is in these moments that we have seen some of the most miraculous healings and friendships bond.